My preview thoughts on the ‘NOAH’ film.

There has been a lot of talk about the upcoming NOAH film directed by Darren Aronofsky. Many religious groups are speaking out against it for its Biblical inaccuracies, and the way the protagonist is portrayed in the film. So, I thought I’d give my personal opinions on some statements people have made about this film.  


   You don’t say? (insert Nicholas Cage meme here) Of course it is not going to be Biblically accurate! People who think that every film that comes out of Hollywood that is based off of Scripture is going to be 100% Biblically accurate are foolish. Even ‘SON OF GOD’ had its fair share of inaccuracies that really made me upset. But that’s because they were dealing with Jesus, who was perfect in every way – unlike Noah.

   A majority of the stories in the Bible need creative, original content to help the story transition successfully to film. And ‘NOAH’ is one of those films that needs a lot of creative content for it to be a successful film. The entire story of Noah in the Bible only makes up about 4 pages in the Scriptures, and there’s not enough detail of characters in those pages to successfully have a pretty accurate film. 


   Okay… to be honest, this is where (if true) the film pushes me to start to dislike it. Not so much that Noah is a dark character, but that he is TOO dark of a character. Apparently (SPOILERS), Noah, once on the ark, feels as if his family is full of just as much wickedness as those wiped out in the flood. So, this causes Noah to almost kill his family. Now, I believe Noah was a man of strong faith in God, and he would never do such a thing and bring harm to his family. The Bible says that he was a righteous man. So threatening to kill his family is not something I like much. Now, I have seen a clip where Noah is defending the ark and he has to kill some men who are threatening his and his family’s lives. This I am perfectly fine with! Who wouldn’t do the same? Plus… it’s awesome to see some Maximus come out of Noah’s character. 

   Now, having said before that creative content is necessary when a story lacks enough detail, I am also interested on why Noah feels as if he must kill his family, which includes taking his own life. Darren Aronofsky’s version of Noah is obviously way different from what many of us believe how he was, but I am intrigued to see what he does with the character, and how he develops. 

   If you’re really wondering if he does kill some members of his family… of course not. I am 100% positive. 


   Yes. From what I’ve heard there are “rock giants” that help Noah build the ark, and help him defend it, as well. These giants are the “Nephilim”. “In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times.” – Genesis 6:4. These warriors just happen to be in the shape of massive rock giants. Now, this may start getting a little Tolkienish, but God can do anything! He could’ve allowed rock men to form to help Noah. He’s God. He can do that. So to that I say “Awesome!” 


   Oh, shut up… yes, they do! They just refer to him as “The Creator”. Which he is! It amazes me how ridiculous people can make this. Perhaps they didn’t call him “God”. We have no idea! They didn’t speak English back then, people. They might’ve called him something else for all I know! So, stop saying they don’t mention him in the film, because they do.


  Before you judge a film, you have to see it for yourself first. ‘NOAH’ is one of my most anticipated films of this year. I am very excited to see Aronofsky’s vision of this epic true story. 

   I may walk away from the film not liking it as much as I thought it would, or I could walk away with my expectations met. The ultimate thing I’m looking for in this film is if it sticks to the themes of what the story of Noah is – mercy, family, faith, hope, love, and grace. 


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