Filmmaker, Missionary, Evangelist, Lover of God’s Presence – This is who I am.

   If there is one thing I never want to do when it comes time for me leave this earth, it’s thinking back on my life and saying to myself “I didn’t do my very best with what God gave me.” It would hurt me so deeply knowing I could have done more. So, I intend to do my very best with the talents, blessings, and the heart for the lost that God has put on my life.

   This blog is a personal look on who I am and what I intend to do with my life. It’s ultimately just for letting you in on what my dreams are for life, and for just getting to know me more. 


   Most people who know me well know by now what my career plan is and what I want to do. But for those of you who don’t know… I am a filmmaker. I’ve been making films since I was thirteen. One of my best friends, Anthony Goodman, got me into filmmaking, and I don’t doubt in my heart for one second that God didn’t intend for that to happen. 

   Now, it took a lot of prayer and devotion to be completely sure that filmmaking was my calling. I honestly felt like film is not something Christians push towards often. And on top of that, the film industry (nowadays) is one of the most dark, corrupting, and worse professions to go into as a strong believer of Christ. At least, that’s what I thought. 

   I always felt like if I go into the industry, that many of Christians will comment – “Why in the world would you want to go into something as perverted, dark, corrupting and ungodly as film?” Than I got to thinking and asked myself – “Why not?” If that is what Hollywood is nowadays, than it sounds like the perfect mission’s field to me! One the is in need of revival and Jesus. 

   It irritates me to know that people think that Hollywood and the film industry are and always will be trash. It may look that way now, but I intend to change that. God intends to change that by working through me. I have been told by many strong leaders, brothers and sisters in Christ that I have a unique calling on my life, and film is definitely unique when it comes down to all the professions to choose from. 

   I am beyond excited what God has planned for me, and I am ready to share in the trials, the criticism, and the glory with Him. Revival, healing, and the King of kings is coming to the film industry. He’s going to be put back where he belongs. 


    Matthew 16:15-18 — “And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.’ “

   I believe no matter what profession you go into, the above verse is the ultimate task God wants for you to do while in that profession. That is the I plan to do in the film industry. But, the reason I mentioned that verse is because it says “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” 

   I am a filmmaker, yes, but my heart burns for the those who are without Christ, orphaned, homeless, sick, and hurt. I have the heart of a missionary and an evangelist. No matter where I go in the world, I want to bring Heaven to earth.

   I went on my very first mission’s trip back in summer 2012 to Quito, Ecuador. My life was shaken by God that week. And he used the Ecuadorian children to do it. My perspective on the world changed, and my love for children and the lost skyrocketed. I knew I was going to get wrecked on the trip, but I didn’t intend for it to shake me to my core so much as it did. 

   That trip changed my life, and it has caused me to mix my passion for filmmaking with my passion for missions. I really do feel like I am a documentary filmmaker at heart. I love capturing the real thing as it is happening – the emotions, the miracles, the healings, the work of God. Some of my passion film projects contain a documentary film that follows missionaries around the world, another one consist of me gathering the stories of orphaned children and allowing them to tell their story as I recreate it. It’s as if their narrating their own biographic film. I’ve always thought that was an amazing idea and opportunity for kids to share their stories. 

   If God allows it, I plan to use part of the money from my films to support orphanages around the world. 


   I have faced many struggles, encountered many obstacles, and have been pushed to the brink when I look back on the past six years, but God was truly watching out for me and continually picking me up when I continually kept stumbling. He was always there for me, even when I denied His presence in my life for three of those six years. Even when I was failing Him, He still cared about me. 

   I really am undeserving of all the blessings He has put in my life. When I said I denied His presence in my life for three of those six years, I really pushed Him away. I don’t recall getting into the Word or praying once during that span of three years. At that time in my life, I didn’t have many close, let alone godly, friends and didn’t have a church. It was during my time spent in Germany this happened. Before Germany, I had grown up fourteen years in Fayetteville, North Carolina surrounded by many godly friends, family and an on fire for God church, but that changed when my family moved to Europe. 

   Europe was an insane experience I will never forget for two reasons. 1) It was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. The food, the landscapes… all of it was gorgeous. 2) Like I said before, I was away from God. That, however, changed when we moved to Farmville, Virginia when I was seventeen. 

   I rededicated my life to God at my current home church – New Life. I also attended the school there until I graduated last year. God placed some of the greatest people I know in my life during my stay here in Farmville. When I look back on Germany, I can say with assurance that the ultimate purpose God had for me when we moved to Farmville was to get my relationship with Him back on track, and strengthening it to the point where I cannot get enough of His presence. 

   I am an absolute junkie for Jesus now. Experiencing His joy, love, and glory is the greatest thing that can happen in my life. He’s always available to talk with, and having a face-to-face relationship with Him is the best feeling/thing that someone can do for themselves. 

   I am stronger in my walk with Christ now than I have ever been in my life, and I guarantee that it will continue to grow and will NEVER cease growing! 

I hoped you enjoyed getting to know a little about me! 🙂 





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